Thunderbird Update

I was so interested in the performance of the new Thunderbird, I decided to download and play with it a bit. For those of you who are interested, here is what I know so far…

You can subscribe to an RSS feed for news or podcasts or import from OPML, which is cool. When new blog posts or podcast episodes are posted, they are automatically sent to your computer. However, if you are interested in having the podcast automatically downloaded and organized on your computer, you may be out of luck. The only way I could find to listen to a subscribed podcast was to double-click the filename at which point it asked me where to download the file to. Not my style of podcatching client, but an interesting take on it none the less. A lot of people will find Thunderbird a great way to organize email, manage RSS feeds and get updates about new podcasts to download/stream.

ThunderBird 1.5

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