Finally, some has done it! I knew it was only a matter of time, and thanks to Jackstreet Media, it has come to be. Sex education comes to an iPod near you. 🙂 Education is, in my opinoin, going to be a huge market in the podcasting world and I am glad to see that someone is making a push to make podcasting a powerful educational tool. To be quite honest, Im married and know all I need to know about sex, but I may subscribe to this one and check it out…because Im planning on having kids some day and may I can get some pointers from this podcast on how to breach the topic to them.
“Sex Education goes back to school to reach the iPod generation.
Los Angeles (PRWEB via PR Web Direct) September 29,2005 — Today, Jackstreet Media and Aldagon Resources launched a weekly sex education radio program called “Casual Sex 18-27.” The program aims to address ineffective sex education initiatives by ‘getting real’ with teens and college students heading back to school this fall.
The series features raw interviews with young and very young adults talking about their sexual practices, attitudes and experiences with safe sex and not so safe sex. Guests are between the ages of 18 and 27 and include sexually active college students, young men and women dating people with HIV, youth practicing abstinence and peer to peer sex education activists.”