NPR Expands Podcast Programming

Im always happy to see when somebody grabs a hold of podcasting so fully and uses it the way it should be. With that said, I commend NPR for providing a lot of their great content through podcast syndication. They started off testing the waters with a few, but now it looks like their offerings are up to 132 unique podcasts. They have even brought on a corporate sponsor (Acura) and it appears that they are in discussions with more national sponsors as well. Here is a snippet of the Marketwatch article:

“National Public Radio has begun offering more than 130 podcasts through its Website at None of the network’s crown jewels like “All Things Considered” or “Morning Edition” are in the package of free programs available for downloading, but on its Website, NPR hinted they could be coming – for a price… “

See the NPR Podcast Directory.
See the Original Source.

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