Miro Video Player Upgrades, Supports Audio Podcasts!

Miro 2.5 Announced, Now with Audio Podcasting Support!

For those of you who love to watch online video and listen to audio in style, you will love the new release of the . As the image above indicates, they are touting “faster performance, audio podcasts and lots of polish”… all of which we here at Podcast Alley are big fans of.

I have been using miro for years now to enjoy online content from their directory of video shows and to download all of our favorite video podcasts for offline watching. But with the recent upgrade, they FINALLY support audio podcasts! Audio podcasting is still a hugely successful area (you heard me right, not everyone wants to watch video all the time) and I am glad to see they have finally decide to support the audio podcast subscription feature and directory. They only thing the application seems to be missing is a link to Podcast Alley for people to find even more great audio and video shows!

Find out more about whats new in this new version by reading their official version 2.5 blog announcement.

Obligatory application screenshot:

The Miro 2.5 Interface
The Miro 2.5 Interface

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