Man tries to Collect All Podcasts

According to Wired Magazine, this guy (Jason Scott) is trying to collect every podcast. Well if you ask me, he needs to get his ass moving! In the article, it says he is already downloading 1500 shows regulary, but that is only half of what is available on Podcast Alley and only a quarter of what is available on It also mentions he has downloaded over 340GB since February. All I can say is this: I downloaded 2GB last Monday when I subscribed to a couple of new shows and I actually LISTEN to all of them.

From Wired:
“A filmmaker who has been collecting digital artifacts for 25 years is amassing the world’s largest collection of podcasts, though he has little interest in actually listening to them. Jason Scott, a 34-year-old documentary filmmaker from the Boston area, has saved and cataloged more than 340 GB of online amateur radio since he started in February.”

Find out more about Mr.Scott from Wired Magazine Online.

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