Jason Calacanis was 1 of 2 opening keynote speakers from the first day of the expo (the other being Leo Laporte). These keynotes, one following the other, were very different…almost on complete oposite ends of the spectrum, in my opinion. Here is a snippet from Calacanis and you can see links at bottom of this post for both Jason and Leo at the iPodObserver site.
“Jason also speculated on the number of ways that one could try to make money via advertising in the podcast world. How about being the Yahoo (directory) of podcasting? Nope, Yahoo, AOL, Apple, Oedo, Podshow, Podcast Alley are already in this space. How about being the Google (indexer) of podcasting? Nope, Technorati, Feedster, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and AOL are in this space. Unless you get really lucky, going against these folks means you will get crushed.”