IRS Podcasts – Tries to Help Save Money on Your Taxes

IRS Podcast
IRS Podcast

It seems that I have, for some reason, been hearing a lot about taxes for the last few weeks. Maybe it is just the people I know, or maybe people are trying to save money considering the economic downturn this year. But more and more people are definitely starting to plan early for this years taxes. The nice thing is that the IRS has noticed this trend and have made an aggressive move towards helping people plan and save on their taxes this year.

It’s not a new podcast series, but the information released in the IRS Podcast is all relative to this year. You will find podcast episodes about education tax credits, home energy tax credits, deductions for vehicle donations and more in the IRS Podcast series. Subscribe to this podcast to stay updated with the latest from the IRS.  It’s your chance to hear it direct from the source.

They have a ton of additional audio and video tax resources available on their website for you to check out as well. If you have a minute, you should tune in to the IRS experts and see what opportunities may exist for you to save money on your taxes this year.

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