Holy Cow, Radio

podshows.gifAll i can say about this one, is wow. I had thought about it but had not really seen it coming. If what I am understanding is correct, this is both good and bad.

“Paul Gambaccini, Tony Blackburn and Wes Butters are among DJs backing a revolutionary new service bringing radio to the iPod generation…In a world first, they are to bypass conventional radio to reach listeners and record shows specially for download from the internet….Podcasts will play only 60% of a song to make sure the service is not used as a cheap method of downloading tracks – 99p will buy an hour-long music show. Every track played will be linked to a download service allowing listeners to buy it there and then.”

Extremely intriguing idea, but this being from the UK, i dont know what 60p or 99p is. They are going to charge me for ever single podcast? If so, this will be an interesting one. I have been wondering how people were going to create subscriptions with login and passwords for rss feeds without worrying about people sharing the feed, podcast, etc. I just may have to sign up and get me an account to find out.

So what makes this good? For me, someone is pushing the envelope, offering (hopefully) good content and music and finding a way to monetize it. Whats the bad? They seem to charge per podcast, they only play 60% of each song and most importantly, i dont know what 99p is 🙂

If anyone has any details, please send them to [email protected] so i can get a better grasp on this one.

See the Full Story here

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