Featured 5 Podcasts for the Week of September 7th

Here are this weeks featured 5 podcasts… a very random assortment this week, but that is what podcasting is all about, right? Find shows in this collection featuring beauty pageants, politics, nerds and more for the week of September 7th – th, 2009.

1. PageantCast
Commentary, Interviews and News related to Beauty Pageants in the U.S.A. We discuss the ever changing face of pageants in this country and give exposure to the wonderfully talented young women that participate in pageants.

2. GadgetHovel
GadgetHovel is for geeks. Real geeks, Star Trek loving, Zelda playing, buy an Android phone because it’s shiny geeks.

3. The Conservative Fun House
James Wright and Damon Rexroad are two conservative friends who come together weekly for an all out, zany assault on the hypocrisy and idiocy of the liberal left and the spineless waffling of the GOP.

4. The Desperate Hour
What your mildly retarded neighbor would play if he had a decent record collection.

5. Geek Entertainment TV
Geek Entertainment Television explores the world of geeks — from the robot cocktail builder to the crazy cat lady to the segway polo-playing granddaddy of the personal computer to sexbot makers of the future — we go wherever their passions take us!

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