Featured 5 Podcasts for the Week of September 21st

These podcasts could be the outline for one awesome day! First off, the DaddyCast will get you started honing in on your parenting tips. Follow that up with some exercise and move right into a productive afternoon with the Nasty Grind punk rock show! Relax into the evening activating your brain with computer tips and random news from BitnappingTV and the Average Joe Show. These are your featured 5 for September 21st – 27th, 2009!

1. The DaddyCast
Parenting from the hip. A podcast about being a dad, enjoying my kids, the trials and troubles that 2 sons cause and life within and around being a father. A daddycast for the community for dads and all parents to share advice and stories about raising a family.

2. Get Exercised with Dina Prioste
Certified yoga instructor and actress Dina Prioste demonstrates exercises each week that you can try at home or the office. She often takes breaks to each chocolate and drink tea & sometimes has the help of her friend McDucky. Once in a while she can’t even get into the pose fully, but she always has an exercise for you on Thursday.

3. Nasty Grind
Do it fast, get it quicker with Lord Muck on the Nasty Grind show. Primitive garage, punk, and wild-ass rock’n’roll, part of the amazing GaragePunk.com Podcast network!!

4. BitnappingTV
BitnappingTV is an almost daily show with brief tips and tricks on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. We bring you the stuff that makes you day to day computer life easier.

5. Average Joe Show
Join Corey and Ward as they get together every week and discuss anything that interests them from the news.

Want to stay up to date on the featured shows on Podcast Alley? Subscribe to the Featured 5 Podcast Alley RSS feed and never miss a show! You can also subscribe to the Podcast Alley Blog to get all the latest and greatest news on podcasting.

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