Adam Curry (from the Mevio Network) said he has three podcasters that will make between $500,000 to $1,000,000 this year. If you are a podcaster, don’t deny yourself the opportunity to learn, at any level or audience size, how to make money with your show. Even if your show is a part time gig, there are systems in place that will allow you to make money. You just have to find what works for you: do you want to let someone else sell advertising on your behalf like RawVoice and Mevio do? Or would you rather keep the show free and offer companion content or iPhone apps like Wizzard Media does?
The Mashable list titled “9 Successful Techniques for Making Money with Podcasting” is an amazing introduction to anyone looking to monetize their brand and podcast. A lot of thought went into the list covering all aspects, and all levels, of monetization. Seriously, this is not an article you want to miss. Kudos to David Spark from Mashable for creating another great resource for podcasters!