EVENTS: 2 New PodCamps in2010 – Boulder and Western Mass

Upcoming PodCamps in January & February 2010
Upcoming PodCamps in January & February 2010

Filling out your calendar for the coming 2010 year and need something new and interesting to do? Don’t forget to add the new PodCamps to your calendar if you live in Boulder or Western Mass! These events were just announced, so check out the links below for more information. If you are at all interested in podcasting, attending a local podcamp at least once is definitely something you should try.

About PodCamp

For those of you who are unfamiliar with PodCamp, it is a usually free BarCamp-style community UnConference for new media enthusiasts and professionals including bloggers, podcasters, YouTubers, social networkers, and anyone curious about new media. And it’s not just for podcasters, its for anyone interested in producing content for the web for social networks, podcasts, music, blogs, tweets… pretty much everything awesome.

Upcoming Events in January & February

Have fun, and report back as to the success of the event!

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