Duke University Podcasting Symposium Announced

logo.gifThe Duke University Podcasting Symposium was announced recently to be held September 27 – 28, 2005. This event will have some of podcastings earliest (and perhaps best) podcasters, Michael Geoghegan from Reel Reviews, Grape Radio and the Disney Podcasts, Tim Bourquin from Endurance Radio, the Podcast Brothers and host of the Podcast & Portable Media Expo and Eric Rice from AudioBlog as well as many other experts. Here is what they say about the event:

“Duke University is pleased to announce that we will be hosting the first-ever academic symposium on podcasting from September 27-28 of this year. The two-day event will feature a hands-on podcasting workshop, as well as panel discussions of the economic/business, legal, political, journalistic, and cultural impacts of podcasting by bringing together prominent members of the podcasting community with policymakers, scholars, and media experts.

The symposium is being held in conjunction with the Duke Digital Initiative and is the result of a collaboration among several departments and centers at Duke, including the Information Science + Information Studies program, the Jenkins Chair in New Technologies & Society, Office of the Vice-Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies, John Hope Franklin Center for Interdisciplinary and International Studies, The John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute, Center for Instructional Technology, Center for Documentary Studies, Program in Film/Video/Digital, DeWitt Wallace Center for Media and Democracy, Duke Law School, Fuqua School of Business, the Department of Computer Science, the Department of Music, and the Department of Cultural Anthropology.

The symposium will be free of charge and open to the public. The symposium proceedings will also be webcasted, videocasted, and (of course) podcasted. Addresses for the various feeds will be announced soon.”

Check out the event info on the Duke Website.

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