Lands Podcast Sponsorship

I guess if you are going to make a mistake, its go big or go home. Well, accidently telling the world about one of the largest on record podcast ad buys is a pretty big mistake.

“On Thursday, Outing, who is also a longtime columnist for E&P, posted an item at E-Media Tidbits titled “A $30000 Podcast Ad Buy.” In it, Outing wrote: “’s podcasts are finding some funding. Executive producer Gil Asakawa reports that the retailer Best Buy is paying for a $30,000 campaign that begins October 3. The podcasts will have a short sponsor mention at the beginning, then a longer (10-second) product-specific mention at the end.”

On Friday, the information about the size of the ad buy — $30,000 — was removed from the post and an explanation was added saying that the figure was proprietary and should not have been revealed. But later, Poynter took down the post completely, and left only the message, “This blog item has been removed because it contained proprietary information that should not have been released by the source.”” Lands Podcast Sponsorship

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