Apples iLife '06 Podcast Support Page Leaked?!

According to the website (and the active link) Apple is planning a release to iLife and Garageband that should make podcasting easier for some. Further rumors are circulating about larger .Mac accounts too. Who else is hearing rumors?

Here’s an example outline of how your show should flow:
1. Show intro monologue (who you are, what you’re going to talk about): 30-60 seconds
2. Intro music jingle (repeat for each show so listeners identify the jingle with your show): 30-60 seconds
3. Topic 1: 5 minutes
4. Topic 2: 5 minutes
5. Interlude (music or break): 30 seconds
6. Topic 3: 5 minutes
7. Topic 4: 5 minutes
8. Closing remarks (thank audience for listening, thank guests, talk about the next show briefly): 2 minutes
9. Closing music jingle (suggest same as Intro music jingle): 2 minutes

>> Apple – Support – GarageBand – Recording Your Podcast
>> Website

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