Many of you may have noticed an increase in content coming out of Podcast Alley recently. More podcaster interviews, more featured podcasts, more forum moderation and posting, more blog posts and more general activity. This is not a fluke… I am back!
I started Podcast Alley in 2004 and helped build many of the early concepts that made podcasting what it is today. I partnered with iTunes when they were first learning what podcasting was and provided them with their initial directory of shows to launch their podcast section of iTunes. I helped Todd Cochrane, a podcasting pioneer, with the first ever podcasting book titled “Podcasting – The Do It Yourself Guide”. And later I went on to partner with Mevio (then PodShow) to help them build their service to host podcasts and provide a way for podcast producers to make money with their shows if they chose to. It has been one hell of a ride the last 5 years.
But a new chapter is starting now as we approach the 5 year anniversary of Podcast Alley. I am focusing on rebuilding Podcast Alley to help producers make better content (and helping them learn how to make money) and will still be promoting more shows to the loyal PCA fans who look to this site every day for new audio and video entertainment. I still work with Mevio because I believe in what they do to help producers with free hosting, promotion and revenue opportunities (they are much different now than they were in the early days of podcasting). But Podcast Alley is now my focus, and I no longer help design and build the products and features for Mevio.
Thanks for all the kind emails and tweets through the transition, keep the content and new feature suggestions coming! More news coming soon.