2 More Weeks of Voting for Your Favorite Podcasts!

Podcast Awards Voting

As mentioned previously, the 2009 Podcast Awards are now open for voting! It is super easy to do, and you can return daily to vote for all of your favorite shows.

Shows are categorized into 22 different categories and all you need to do is select one of your favorite podcasts from each of the categories and be proud knowing you are supporting the shows that create great content for you!

The image here is an example of one group of shows that are up for voting this year…. so you can see there is a good assortment of well known and more independent shows to choose from.

To Vote:

  1. Go to www.podcastawards.com
  2. Choose the shows you want to win by checking the box (choose 1, or 1 from each category)
  3. Add your name and email at the bottom
  4. Submit the form
  5. Return again tomorrow to vote again!

Voting ends November 30th, 2009 — so make sure you get your votes in now for your favorite podcasts!

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