To be on TV or not to be on TV : CNN Money

Another interesting article caught my eye today about the state of the advertising industry in regard to the :30 second TV advertisement. It seems that a lot of marketers are noticing a decline in traditional TV advertisings effectiveness.

So what does this mean to us podcasters? To me it seems there will be a lot more money spent finding better ways to get advertising messages in front of new audiences which has already started happening in the podcasting world. A lot of big name companies have already started testing the waters and investing money in podcast advertising as an alternative outlet to TV.

From CNN Money:

More and more people are using digital video recorders (DVRs) to watch TV shows when they want — and zoom past ads in the process. And advertisers have taken notice.

According to a study conducted by the Association of National Advertisers and Forrester Research that was released this month, 78 percent of 133 national advertisers said they felt traditional advertising has become less effective during the past two years.

What’s more, nearly 70 percent of the marketers surveyed said they thought DVRs and video-on-demand services will “reduce or destroy” the usefulness of 30-second commercials.

That’s not good news for the major television networks, especially as they get set to haggle over advertising rates for the 2006-2007 television season in the coming months.

Read More: CNN MONEY

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