President Obama to Appear on the 40 Minutes for Health Reform Podcast Today

President Obama Live
President Obama Live

According to a story published on TechCrunch, President Obama will be appearing on a podcast titled “40 Minutes for Health Reform“, hosted on the BlogTalkRadio website. The show will air live Today — Wednesday at 5 PM ET (2 PM PT) on both BlogTalkRadio’s program page found here, and on the Faith For Health site. Make sure you tune in on time for the Live show as the President will be speaking for the first 10 minutes, with the other 30 minutes of the program being dedicated to a roundtable discussion.

Social media use (such as this) chosen by the Obama team offers more proof that they are trying to run this country differently. They are adding much needed transparency into the government and supporting modern tools such as facebook, twitter and podcasting that are actively used by millions of people around the globe. All of this instead of relying solely on televisions and traditional news networks that are ignored by so many younger people today.

I’ve been impressed by how President Obama has adopted innovative social-media technology during his campaign and into his administration,” says Alan Levy, CEO of BlogTalkRadio. “We’re honored that he has selected BlogTalkRadio as his newest requisite platform for communicating directly with the American people.

This should pull in one of the largest audiences to date for the BlogTalkRadio website, now I only hope they are prepared for that traffic. It would be a shame to see the site go down if it does become very popular for that short amount of time. However, the episode should be available to show subscribers after the live stream has been converted. So if nothing else, if you are interested in healthcare reform, subscribe to the “40 Minutes for Health Reform” show to listen to the episode later.

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