iPodder 2.1 Released!


iPodder 2.1 has been officially released to the masses! In it you will find a couple of great new features and better functionality. But theres more! It integrates directly with the soon coming “My Alley, from PodcastAlley.com”!

Now you may be asking…what is My Alley? Some of you are beta testing so you already know, but for the rest of you here is a brief summary:
– Create Unlimited Playlists and Organize podcasts the way you want, not the way iTunes wants you to
– Vote for every podcast in your playlists, simply and easily, instead of voting for each one separately.
– Integration with iPodder 2.1 for podcast management…The playlists you see online are the playlists that show up in iTunes and on your iPod.
– No more copying and pasting XML/RSS links! Click on the “Add to My Alley” link and presto, the podcast will automatically appear in your playlist, and if you like, in iPodder, iTunes and on your iPod!

Many more features are being planned, and the inital release is coming very shortly…are you ready?!

Get iPodder 2.1 at http://ipodder.sourceforge.net.

Looking for your My Alley link? Well you have to wait. But don’t worry…it is just around the corner.

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