Interview: UC Radio Podcast Answers the 6.5 Questions

UC Radio Podcast
UC Radio Podcast

UC Radio is a throwback to the Pirate Radio format of the 70s and 80s in Los Angeles. Mike is a musician that knows his music and is always on the look out for anything that is good and that hasn’t been tainted by corporate baggage. Producing twice a week, Mike gives you 10-15 new indie tracks in each episode for you to rock out to. Read the interview now on the home page of the Podcast Alley website, and make sure you subscribe to UC Radio Podcast so you don’t miss an episode! And as always, if you would like to help a fellow podcaster out, check out the UC Radio offers page to find ways to save money from UC Radio.

About UC Radio

A Los Angeles native and survivor of the 80’s & 90’s Hollywood rock scene, Mike Yusi brings a unique approach to finding and delivering new music to the masses through his new media shows UC Radio and Sonic Wallpaper.  In the 4 years since starting UC Radio, Mike has played over 2,000 songs by unsigned, and indie bands, helping many find a larger audience.  It’s the understanding that Mike has of the industry, how it works, and the amount of time and effort a band has to put into being successful that gives him the edge on finding bands that actually matter and getting them into his shows for you to hear.

About the 6.5 Questions

Featured on the home page of Podcast Alley, the 6.5 questions give you insight into the life of the podcast producer, and a bit of information about their show as well. This is not just a another featured podcast, its a unique interview created just for Podcast Alley.  You can always find the latest featured podcaster interviews on the home page of the Podcast Alley site or if you like, subscribe directly to the Podcast Alley Featured Podcaster Interviews feed. Do you have a show that you think is good enough to be featured on Podcast Alley? Submit the show in the comment, or email me: info at!

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