DoubleClick Releases Advertising Report – Podcasting Included

In a PR Newswire release just published, DoubleClick (the advertising people) have released a new paper entitled “Decade in Online Advertising”. While the whole report was quite fascinating to me (with my marketing and advertising background) there was one specific section that the addresses theat they put particular emphasis on.

“Media Companies and Advertisers Must Adapt to Consumers’ Demand for Control” was the header for the section I am speaking about. The specific point that was made is “The ultimate expression of consumers’ desire to have more control over their content is reflected in the “citizen’s media” movement of weblogs, social networks, audio podcasting and more.”

It seems to me that the many new delivery methods that are emerging, podcasting included, are indeed being paid attention to. And for those podcasters out there reading this blog and the DoubleClick report right now…what are you doing to prepare for when someone comes knocking on your door for advertising? Are you interested in advertising in your podcast and if so, at what price? Do you have any idea of your demographics or who is listening to your show?

This upward slant with the popularity of podcasting is not stopping anytime soon. Be Ye Prepared.

The Release

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